Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is why I could never be a superhero

My favorite part of going to the movies is really the previews. I like to see what terrible films Ben Affleck and Kate Hudson plan to terrorize me with. When I saw Black Swan, there was a preview for Sucker Punch, a "girls can do anything boys can do, only better and in way cuter outfits" flick. From what I gathered, a hot chick is thrown into a psych ward merely for defending herself against a man and a hot dominatrix-type with smokey eyes shows her that the keys to freedom lie within her imagination. She meets a guru-esque older gentleman, who explains how she will find what she seeks (freedom? Happiness? Self confidence? A new cherry red lipstick?). He tells her she must find 5 things: a map, a key, fire, a knife and a mystery. While watching this exchange, I imagine all the questions I would have for the guru; questions that would totally derail the whole spiritual process. This may be my whole problem in life.

"You need to find five things: a map--"

Wait, a map of what? Like a globe or a flat map? Of the world or just the United States? Or wait--like a Mapquest map? Like turn-by-turn directions? More information would help, I'm just sayin'....

"...a key..."

A key to what? A car key? A skeleton key? Does it need to open something or is it just a symbolic key? Wait, wait--am I taking this too literally? Do you mean, like, the key to your heart? Or an answer key? Like to a test? Is this a test? Is there going to be a test?

"...a knife..."

A butter knife? A paring knife? A bread knife? A little knife? Or is it a big knife? I mean...there are a lot of knives out there. Also...will there be many knives and I have to figure out which one is the right one? Or will I just know that it's the right knife? Or will there only be one knife and that's definitely 100% for sure the knife you're talking about? Throw me a bone, dude.


Wait, what? What do you mean? What do you mean, 'fire'? How do you bring back fire? Is it in candle form? A torch? Or do I just need to find a lighter? Oh--do I need to make a fire? Like using a rock and a magnifying glass or something? Is it a firePLACE? I really don't know how the hell I can bring you fire. What if I burn the fuck up? What then? Then this whole thing will have been a giant waste of time.

"...and a mystery."

Ok, now you're just fucking with me. This whole goddamned thing is a mystery! Is this...are you...am I being punked or whatever? For real, I'm not busting my ass for nothing. What did you say your name was again? Do you have a degree or something? I call bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. We saw Black Swan yesterday and so also saw this preview and I just laughed the whole way through. Where are they trapped exactly? Psych Ward? Holding tank for Showgirls extras? If it's so bleak and scary, how the fuck do they get that much makeup in there? Is the psych ward run by NARS? If so, sign me up, hook me up with a drag mama and keep me away from the weird dude and his bullshit quests. Baby wants some fake eyelashes.

    The only preview I found even remotely compelling was the one for African Cats. I will totally go see that the week it opens so a portion of my proceeds are donated to someone who presumably cares about cats.
